Tuesday, October 12, 2010


You must have watched the movie 'Night Rider' and would be wondering that is it possible to have a car like that.If Yes then here is good news for you,Google secretly has been working on cars which will be driven without drivers on the highway between San Fransisco and Los Angelese. Google Last week demonstrated how it will be equipped with artificial intelligence software and a variety of sensors, and this all will be done with the help of GPS system embedded on the car. A beautiful female voice guides you the route with announcements like “Approaching Crosswalk” etc.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Always Idle on Google Talk

This is a feature that you may love to have in your google talk messenger.
I felt the requirement to display my status as Idle,as I was being disturbed a lot by some of the people in my contact list.
So I began searching for a method to make this happen.Then a friend of mine suggested me to download a software named as Galwaysidle.

After installing this software,right-click on the taskbar icon of Gtalk Messenger and you'll see an option "Always Idle". Click on it and your status would change to idle,even though you may still be chatting to your friends. When anyone would see your status,they'll think that you are not using Gtalk and might be away at the moment.
Get this software from http://ow.ly/1XZaR
This is just a shortened form of the download link.

This article is posted by Yogiraj


I am a twitter fan. I have been using it for quite some time now and I have always looked for some good twitter application. I also use Facebook a lot.
Recently I found out about this new social networking aggregator site. What it does is that it enables you to use most of your social networking sites at one single place, i.e. Hootsuite site.
Another good thing about this site is that it refreshes in regular intervals which you can select from the preset options.

You also get the ability to post on your social networking sites by check marking the ones to which you would like to post. This way, you can post the same status on all your selected sites at once. No need to visit all of them one by one.
For facebook,you can like other people's post, or comment on them,etc.
In short, it has most of the functionality that a common user requires.

What else? Well, if you use their own URL shortener,then you can track the number of clicks on your link,the region from where they occurred, and the site from where the click was directed from.

Another great thing is that they have application for iPhone.
What if you do not have an iPhone,but still want to use it on your mobile? Well, open the site in your mobile browser!! You'll be able to use it easily.

I would recommend http://www.hootsuite.com to all who use social networking sites.

This article is posted by Yogiraj.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How to Get Gmail Notifications (Even Per Label) in Your RSS Feed Reader

A few days back I was looking for various methods using which I could get my mails from Gmail inbox via a RSS feed reader.

Today I found this method:
  • Launch your RSS feed reader.
  • Create a new channel.
  • Type "https://gmail.google.com/gmail/feed/atom" for the URL of the new feed.
  • Enter your Gmail user name ("yogiraj") when prompted for a user name.
  • Use your Gmail password as the feed's password, too.
    • If that does not work, try using "https://[your Gmail user name]:­[your Gmail password]@gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/atom" (like "https://yogiraj:password@gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/­atom") for the URL.
To get notifications for new messages in a Gmail label in your RSS feed reader:
  • Append the label to the "https://gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/­atom/" URL (note '/' at the end).
    • For example, a label called "todo" can be tracked using the URL "https://gmail.google.com/­gmail/­feed/­atom/­todo".
  • Add the URL to your RSS feed reader as above. 

This method was found on: http://tinyurl.com/7bu5l

If you have any other method,or if this method doesn't work,then please let me know via the comment. 
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